In 1933 Hans Scharoun built the Schminke House in Löbau, Saxony, an icon of modern residential architecture. However, the living home for the Schminke family would not exist without the neighbouring pasta factory called “Anker Teigwarenfabrik”.
Today, the area serves perfectly to understand different time layers, styles and construction methods due to numerous extensions, conversions and remodeling. The architect of the Schminke House, Hans Scharoun, was also engaged for some of the factory's conversions. He designed the white (today grey) stairwell with its striking rounded corners. In 1946, the pasta factory is turned into “VEB Anker-Teigwaren”, after 1990, the German “Treuhand” sells the buildings, followed by vacancy in 2010.
But the tide turns, when the city of Löbau buys the site in 2018 in an auction. Various concepts and ideas for a new use are discussed. The former "Nudelei" is supposed to interact with the neighboring Haus Schminke, just like it was 90 years ago. A joint „Anker area“ could create numerous development perspectives and synergy effects for both buildings.